Design and validation of an instrument for the detection of school difficulties in Primary Education


  • Raúl Gutiérrez Fresneda University of Alicante
  • Monserrat Planelles Iváñez University of Alicante
  • Mari Carmen Parra Simón University of Alicante



learning difficulties, early detection, educational intervention, prevention of school problems


At present, despite the numerous works that have been carried out on the learning problems that students encounter throughout their training, a fairly high percentage of apprentices with learning difficulties that limit their academic progress continue to be found. It is known as a consequence of the investigations carried out in recent years that these complications do not appear spontaneously at a certain moment, but rather have their origin in the first educational levels and that they tend to increase as progress is made throughout the education. scholarship. One explanation for this fact is due to the fact that school deficiencies are not always detected on time, which prevents the taking of measures that respond to such needs. Recent research has shown that the most effective educational intervention is the one that begins in the first grades; however, there are not many resources available for teachers to facilitate early identification of learning problems. In order to respond to this need, the present work was developed, which aims to favor the detection of learning difficulties in the first levels of formal schooling through the development and validation of an instrument that allows the implementation of measures detection and educational intervention. The results obtained show that the designed tool constitutes a highly effective educational resource that offers teachers relevant information about the mastery of skills, knowledge and competencies that students possess, which offers the possibility of adapting the teaching process to the needs of the students. Learning characteristics of school children.


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How to Cite

Design and validation of an instrument for the detection of school difficulties in Primary Education. (2022). EDUCA. International Journal for Educational Quality, 3(1), 14-25.

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