Español Collaborative learning, learning-by-doing and peer assessment with students in higher education
Cooperative learning, evaluation, Business Management, mathematics, universityAbstract
In the field of education, collaborative learning, learning-by-doing, and peer assessment have become widely recognized and utilized pedagogical approaches. When properly implemented, these strategies can provide numerous benefits to students. The final objective of this article is to examine the effectiveness of peer assessment and collaborative learning in a learning-by-doing methodology in the subject "Organizational Management" of the Artificial Intelligence Degree at the Universidade da Coruña. Additionally, it aims to observe how this can contribute to empowering students in their learning process. To this end, a team formation activity was developed to create a business plan. In this way, the students had the opportunity to concretely apply the knowledge of financial mathematics and business management acquired in the subject. In light of the results obtained, it can be affirmed that students generally valued the activity positively. Furthermore, a significant difference has been observed between women and men in terms of their perception of the usefulness of the activity and its relevance to their future careers, with a more favourable perception by women. It is also noteworthy that students felt motivated by the experience, and the vast majority successfully passed the course. Ultimately, by combining these strategies, a dynamic learning environment was created in which students actively participated in practical activities and played an active role in evaluating and providing feedback on their peers' work. This synergy promotes deeper, collaborative, and autonomous learning, as students not only acquire knowledge but also develop critical analysis, communication and teamwork skills.
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