DNA extraction as a didactic strategy to learn about the cell in primary and secondary education
DNA, cell, scientific competence, practical work, primary education, secondary educationAbstract
Today’s society is widely influenced by the great scientific and technological advances that have been developed since the last century. This implies that citizens face in their daily problematic situations that require the implementation of scientific skills, establishing the importance of the development of scientific literacy, which allows reflection, reasoning and the establishment of connections to solve them satisfactorily. In this sense, practical work is an optimal tool in the classroom, since they place students at the center of the teaching-learning process, seeking solutions to facts that are part of their daily lives through observation and manipulation, transforming them into school scientific facts and thus acquiring new knowledge. Therefore, this work analyzes a practical experience: DNA extraction. To this end, the structure of DNA is presented, the steps that are usually carried out in any process of extraction of this macromolecule are analyzed and a proposal is designed for Primary Education and another for Compulsory Secondary Education in which students extract DNA from everyday material and acquire knowledge about its structure following the scientific method. As results, both proposals have been validated through an expert judgment, highlighting that they are innovative and attractive to students. In conclusion, it is recommended to implement the proposals as well as to take into account the time needed for their development and the importance of the number of students present in the classroom.
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