Design and validation of an instrument to measure readability in letter fonts for Spanish children with dyslexia


  • María Fernanda del Real-García International University of Rioja
  • María de los Ángeles Pociño Brioa Universidad Internacional de la Rioja



reading, dyslexia, readability, typography, personalized learning


Readability is the main accessibility feature that a text possesses in relation to its graphic characteristics. Readability is subjective and varies according to the demands of groups of individuals with similar characteristics, especially those related to reading models and cognitive processes. One of the main difficulties for individuals with dyslexia is the challenge of reading texts, so the demand for readability from this group should be taken into account in the development of materials intended for them. This work aims to design and validate an instrument to measure the graphic characteristics of letter font to enhance readability in reading texts for individuals with dyslexia. The stages followed for the design and validation of the instrument were: 1) Definition and review of the construct, 2) Design and validation of the instrument, 3) Validation and reliability of the instrument, and 4) Pilot test. The variables considered were: 1) reading speed and 2) reading accuracy, both in words and pseudowords with different fonts: Arial, MeMimas, and Dixy Roman. The instrument, with 54 items, was validated by 4 experts in dyslexia diagnosis using the Chrombach alpha coefficient to measure reliability. In a final phase, a pilot test was conducted with 10 dyslexic students with similar characteristics, who showed significant differences in terms of accuracy and speed in reading texts. The final result is an instrument, with 54 items, that includes: Application protocol booklet (general and subtests), answer booklet with Diana Group and Control Group, and child material, with 6 sheets, 3 with 40 words and 3 with 40 pseudowords.


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How to Cite

Design and validation of an instrument to measure readability in letter fonts for Spanish children with dyslexia. (2023). EDUCA. International Journal for Educational Quality, 4(1), 125-144.

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