Designing an Augmented Reality Mobile Application for the Assessment of the Teaching-Learning Process in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
mobile application, autism, teaching-learning, evaluation, augmented realityAbstract
The lack of resources, adequate teacher training and specific pedagogical strategies are significant obstacles to the education of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In this sense, this article presents the "Autism AR Discovery" project that arises in response to the need to address the educational difficulties faced by this population in Panama. The main objective of the project is to evaluate the acceptance of children in interactive educational environments, based on an Augmented Reality (AR) mobile application, designed to teach natural sciences to children with ASD in the first three degrees of affectation according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). A quasi-experimental methodology is used, with a pre-test and post-test design, where the impact of the AR mobile application on the teaching-learning process of children with ASD is evaluated. Regarding data collection, interviews, participant observation and experimental group sessions are used. The application was designed using Unity as the development platform and Vuforia for the creation of AR applications and considering usability and accessibility criteria to ensure a satisfactory experience for users. The mobile AR application for teaching natural sciences to children with ASD covered several areas of learning and development, aimed at improving cognitive, linguistic, social, and motor skills in children with ASD. Preliminary results show a favorable reception of the application, highlighting its innovation, ease of use and fulfillment of expectations.
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