Impact of digital screens on visual development and its prevention in Early Childhood and Primary Education
electronic devices, early-onset myopia, visual health, primary education, myopia preventionAbstract
Currently, excessive exposure to digital screens has generated a negative impact in various social and educational spheres, increasing the prevalence of refractive errors, particularly myopia. According to the World Health Organization's (WHO) meta-analysis in the World Report on Vision (2020), the number of children and adolescents with myopia is expected to increase by 200 million between 2000 and 2050. Technological advances have made the use of electronic devices a daily necessity, and their excessive use among children and adolescents is causing a premature deficit in visual function, as well as affecting physical, social, and cognitive development. Due to the lack of knowledge about visual health and the damage caused by screens, it is necessary to develop new strategies to prevent early-onset myopia. This study, conducted in an educational center in the Community of Madrid, found that 45% of students have never undergone eye examinations, and 44% of teachers recognize early symptoms of myopia in children. Using a mixed-method approach, based on the application of surveys, interviews and direct observation, the aim is to identify variables related to screen use and exposure to prevent their impact on the increase of myopia among Early Childhood and Primary Education students. It provides strategies and educational guidelines to raise awareness and train students, families, and teachers about visual damage and its repercussions on development. This work will help create awareness about the importance of proper visual health and the responsible use of electronic devices.
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