Historical exploratory mapping on mentoring and occupational therapy in the journals of occupational therapy included in the journal citation reports: scoping review.
mentoring, Professional Identity , Occupational Therapy , mentorsAbstract
Identify and describe the literature published in journals with an impact factor on mentoring and occupational therapy through a review, from 1980 to 2019. The article is framed in a scoping review and more specifically within a historical exploratory mapping on mentoring and occupational therapy. In order to know the lines of research in the journals of occupational therapy included on the Journal Citation Reports. The review was made according the five stages of the PRISMA guidelines. The research was made in the Web Of Science (WOS) and Medline (Pubmed) database and a literature search. Data were classified according to title, author, publication characteristics, study objectives and study design. After applying the inclusion criteria, 617 references were retrieved, 63 articles were selected in full text. In 2016 the scientific production was increased by 11.1%. The highest number of articles are been by the the American Journal of Occupational Therapy with a 57.1% followed by the Australian Occupational Therapy Journal with a 19%. Most of the publications are original articles a 75.6% explore the relationship between mentoring and professional development, mentoring management and mentoring training in students and professionals. Between 1980 to 2019 there were a non-linear growth of the the volume of publications in balance between quantitative and qualitative research. However, the predominant research are Anglo-Saxon-speaking that coincides with the origin of the authors.
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