Social networks and our presence in them: dialogue with Byung Chul Han and pedagogical experience
Social networks, Education, Information society, Teaching practiceAbstract
Social networks have gained great importance in people's lives, and consequently this has led to their being studied as tools that have positive and negative aspects. Therefore, the need arises to build a dialogue with the author Byung Chul Han, who in his book "Infocracy" shows himself as an obvious detractor of digital, and consequently of social networks; On the other hand, there are efforts that highlight the positive aspects of staying in networks. The experience within the framework of the alliance between the school seedbed Empowerment in Networks and the university seedbed in Alternative Pedagogies puts social networks, education and discourse analysis at the epicenter. This article seeks to study social networks as tools that have aspects considered beneficial and harmful to society. Two methodologies were used, the Bibliographic Review and Sistematización de Experiencias for the composition of the section where the educational practice was systematized. The complexity of the debate that is proposed on the use of social networks should not be underestimated, there is still a long way to go in order to build societies that are aware of their position as users of social networks.
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