Effects of balance and coordination work in children with Down Syndrome. A literature review
Down Syndrome, children, coordination, balance, action protocolAbstract
The aim of the following work was to find out which exercises should be implemented in a protocol to work on balance and coordination in children with Down's syndrome and what effects these will have. The information necessary to address the proposed study variables was selected using the PRISMA method, for which two search equations were used, making use of the PubMed database. It was taken into account that the articles were from the last 5 years, in English, that they contained action protocols, both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies and that they focused on an age range between 4 and 12 years. On the one hand, performing destabilising exercises can be an effective tool for developing balance and improving muscle strength. On the other hand, using a virtual reality technique instead of hippotherapy will also have positive effects. In terms of stimulating the vestibular system and performing dual tasks, this will positively affect balance. Sessions should be at least 60 minutes, in order to obtain positive effects on balance and coordination in children with this disability. It was concluded that working on balance and coordination in children with Down's syndrome will result in significant improvements.
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