Milk with cookies for breakfast and pizza for dinner: eating habits in students of Primary Education
eating habits, children populartion, case study, foodAbstract
Nowadays, in our country exists an abusive consumption of high processed indutrial food. In last years, eating habits of population, and especially children population, have changed so drasticly that a lot of eating diseases, like overweight and obesity, are every time more frecuently in the society. In this work are showed the eating habits of 3º of Primary children in a close rural neighborhood school. Food diary booklets elaborated to be completed between september and december of 2019 have been analysed. The results show that eating habits are not too appropriate, existing a high consume of ultraprocessed food in the most of intakes. In addition, dieraty recommendations such as those in Harvard Healthy Eating Plate have not been observed in almost any of the intakes either. In this way, to reduce or at least slow down the currently childhood obesity pandemic that exists in our country, seems necessary an efective food education that changes younger eating behaviors and encourages the development of a critical thought opposite to ultraprocessed food.
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