Offshore, an analysis of the game and its use as a pedagogical tool in Primary Education
game, primary education, neuroscience, active methodologies, children's rightsAbstract
Primary education is essential since it will serve to lay the foundations for the subsequent academic development of citizenship. The importance of the stage must be directly proportional to the treatment of the methodologies used in the classroom. Likewise, the work carried out should respect the rights of children.
The school must be the institution of formal education par excellence and current research confirms that the need for human beings to learn by playing and its multiple benefits is unquestionable. The game as a pedagogical tool supposes the learning not only of the curricular contents but also of social skills and essential values for the comprehensive and positive development of any society.
This work tries to explain what the game is and its benefits as a pedagogical tool, how the brain works and what are the necessary conditions for learning to take place. Through a brief investigation, the opinion of the students of a 4th grade classroom is contrasted with that of their tutor after having used a card game to review the multiplication tables. The results show that the opinions of the students with respect to those of the tutor are highly disparate, so it is considered essential to establish a protocol for listening to the students so that the tutor knows their reality and acts accordingly. The general objective is to highlight the importance of using the game in the classroom.
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