Virtual microscopy in the teaching-learning process of histology for veterinary students
Histology, Veterinary Science, virtual microscopy, learning outcomes, student satisfaction surveyAbstract
Virtual microscopy (VM) is a digital resource that addresses the limitations of restricted temporal and spatial access of students of Cytology and Histology to histological slides traditionally viewed with an optical microscope (OM). The aim is to assess the effect of the implementation of VM as a complementary resource in conventional university teaching of veterinary histology. Students' participation in this online resource, their academic outcomes and their degree of satisfaction by survey were evaluated. The study was conducted on 113 students enrolled in CH during the 2018-19 academic year. Practical teaching consisted of face-to-face light microscopy and digital tissue (TVM) and organ (OVM) images available on Moodle. The assessment of practical knowledge was carried out by two face-to-face exams to identify tissues and organs in static images and another one for identification and description of organs with MO. Students also carried out online activities (Moodle) for self-assessment: 3 questionnaires and a task with VM to prepare for the face-to-face exam using MO. Statistical analysis showed a significant correlation between the use of MVO and total MV (all virtual images) and the scores of the practical exams, online questionnaires, and final score of the subject. A significant positive correlation was also found between the MO exam scores and the online homework to prepare for this exam. Students who passed the practical exams had significantly more access to MVO and total MV than those who failed. The students who passed the subject had also been more actively involved in the MV and achieved higher scores. The survey revealed student satisfaction with this digital resource. These results indicate that the use of MV by veterinary histology students, as a complement to conventional microscopy, has a positive effect on the outcome of veterinary CH students.
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