The Messages Content’s of Educational Influencers on Instagram
education, learning, social networks, educational influencer, InstagramAbstract
Digitization is increasingly immersing in the educational world, and technological resources appear here as tools for improving the teaching-learning process. Such is the case of social networks, which currently represent a way of work and professional development for teachers, which requires proper use of them. The purpose of this research is to know the content that educational influencers publish on the Instagram social network specifically, this being the data source, presenting a qualitative design of an instrumental nature with a descriptive approach. Two data analyzes are developed using a qualitative interpretative paradigmatic approach, through the analysis of the content of permanent publications, both textual and graphic, in a selected temporality, through a categorization system, and another merely descriptive on the selected profiles. The sample is structurally representative of ten users selected for convenience, with properly public educational profiles on Instagram, through a manual search and screening by number of followers. The results expose the most predominant topics addressed and the public to which they are directed. Thus, based on the literary review, it is corroborated that the medium is emerging but it is an optimal support tool and that with good application it can improve the quality of education, in addition to promoting collaboration, professional teacher development, interactivity, the diffusion of ideas, leadership or the creation of new contents that allow advances in educational matters.
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