Alumni-based learning, a new teaching methodology
Alumni-based learning , educational innovation, teaching methodology, pedagogy, alumni, graduated studentsAbstract
In recent decades, the design and implementation of new active methodologies has proliferated, mainly due to the benefits they present in the teaching-learning process. Despite there being a wide range of methodological proposals and teaching strategies, innovation as a driver of change offers new solutions allowing the creation of new pedagogical proposals. The objective of this article is to present a new teaching methodology called Alumni-Based Learning (ABAI). This methodology places graduated students in the focus of teaching-learning and values their great potential to contribute to the education of current students. Thus, it uses the knowledge and experience of the graduated student to transmit security, confidence, knowledge and motivation to the students who continue in the training process, being able to improve their academic performance among other variables. It is an innovative proposal with great value for the educational community. The article presents the conceptualization of this term, its benefits, its classification, its ways of implementing it and the educational stages where it can be applied, as well as the competencies addressed with its development. The scientific community is invited to evaluate the scientific impact of this new methodology with empirical studies.
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