Academic Management of the Curriculum During COVID-19 in Physical Education and Sports Programs: The Case of Three Mexican Universities
academic management, COVID-19, teacher training, physical educationAbstract
The present qualitative work describes the way in which the academic management of the curriculum was carried out during the last wave of the global COVID-19 pandemic and the first months of the return to normality. The study was collected from the experiences of three Mexican public universities that offer bachelor's degrees in physical education and sports and/or related, with career coordinators as informants. The interview technique to retrieve the information was used and the semi-structured interview guide was used as an instrument, which addresses four study dimensions: institutional proposal for academic continuity, teaching qualification, performance indicators, and institutional policy in the face of the emergency. The systematization of the data was carried out in the qualitative analysis software ATLAS.ti, and the data were coded and analyzed thematically. Among the main findings, coincidences and divergences were detected in curriculum management, the transition to the virtual modality, teacher training, health and safety measures, psychological and emotional support, the impact on the behavior of enrollment and evaluation; likewise, the priorities and approaches of each university during the pandemic were identified. In conclusion, these universities and their educational programs of physical education and sports and/or related faced the challenge of responding and acting in the face of a crisis of unimaginable proportions with resilience, flexibility, innovation and offered comprehensive attention to the university community. In a similar situation, these experiences will be used to manage models adaptable to Higher Education and the future challenges of the world.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ciria Margarita Salazar C., Joel Pedraza Mandujano, Carmen Silvia Peña Vargas, Edith Cortés Romero, María Elena Chávez Valenzuela
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