Use of short videos among adolescent and university students as a learning tool
Videos, Student Motivation, Audiovisual Media, Teaching, EducationAbstract
The didactic experiences that have emerged in recent years in the education sector represent a paradigm shift from traditional teaching. COVID-19 definitively promoted this praxis, advocating the use of information and communication technologies. Among these educational practices carried out between teachers and students, the creation of videos with didactic content by the students stands out, which not only encourages the creativity of the students but also the effectiveness and efficiency for the study of concepts related to their fields of investigation. The final objective of this work is to evaluate the implementation of short videos among secondary and higher education students, as well as to assess in a comparative way in which educational stage they are more prone to making them. To achieve the above-mentioned objective a voluntary activity was implemented, based on the recording of didactic videos by the students themselves and which was developed in parallel at both educational levels. The results obtained from this evaluation showed a low level of student participation, being even lower in higher education. On the contrary, as a positive aspect, the fluency and clarity of exposition of the participants stands out. In addition, it is observed how a video-based approach allows for greater motivation among students. In short, the production of videos by the students constitutes an effective methodology to capture the attention of those who view them, expanding their knowledge and improving their communication skills.
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