Resiliencia in parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: a multifactorial approach
resilience, autism, parents, protective factors, vulnerabilityAbstract
The diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in a child implies a significant impact on parents. Resilience refers to the ability to succesfully cope and adapt to this potentially traumatic situation and overcome the challenges of being parents of a child with autism. The objectives of this study are based on analyzing the factors that affect the resilience of these parents. To this end, a review of all current literature was carried out in the databases of Chocrane, Dialnet, PsycInfo, PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar. Through this research, it was found that resilience has to be understood, more than as as a personal trait, as a complex and dynamic process in which multiple factors are involved. At individual level: leve lof health, optimism, self-efficacy, sense of control, spirituality, cognitive interpretation of the experience, among others. At family level: acceptance, coping, and adaptation capacity of the family, severity and development of the symptomatology, cohesion, quality of the relationship, socio-economic situation, etc. At social level: support, both formal and informal. And, at community level: access to profesional and governmental support resources. Furthermore, it is emphasized the enormus relevance of parents and children having Access to formal and informal social support in promoting resilience. Finally, there is a call for further research on this topic and the development of assessment tolos and interventions (preventive and therapeutic) that conceive resilience as a complex, dynamicand multifactorial construct.
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