Research competences in higher education: content analysis of the sillabi in the english teaching major




research competences, higher education, indicators, content analysis, teaching english


Investigative skills are among the relevant  competences for the 21st century.  Professionals  should be capable of generating knowledge and contribute to social development. Universities have a responsibility  to   provide their  students with opportunities to develop these skills. Given its importance, the aim of this paper is to  analyze the sillabi of the Bachellor’s  and Licenciate’s degrees in English Teaching at Universidad Americana (UAM) to determine indicators of research competences present in the courses. This research constitutes a qualitative study through content analysis of selected indicators.  Findings  point put  that in  the Bachellor´s degree, there are not enough indicators present to develop  an investigative culture among students. There is a lack of preparation in several of the key elements that promote autonomy, critical thinking and knowledge on methodology.  The level of Licentiate shows a more balanced distribution of indicators, but not adequate enough, showing  gaps in the proper search for information in reliable data bases, and use of technology in all the phases.   It can be concluded that even though there are isolated attempts to promote research skills, there is no articulation in the programs to guarantee student involvement in research.  Recommendations include the insertion of  strategies that promote research skills and  prepare future professionals with the necessary tools to incorporate research in their praxis.  



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How to Cite

Research competences in higher education: content analysis of the sillabi in the english teaching major . (2023). EDUCA. International Journal for Educational Quality, 4(1), 90-108.

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