A Long-term environmental awareness and attitudes among Israeli Junior High school students in Hiriya Ecological Center





pro-environmental values, place based education, hiriya open space, environmental awareness


At present, many countries have multiple problems related to environmental awareness and environmental care. In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly established through the 2030 Agenda a total of 17 Sustainable Development Goals to achieve a more sustainable future for all societies. This article is a case-study about relationship between environmental ethics and environmental responsibility (or behavior) among young students in Israel. The basic question of this case study was whether and to what extent environmental values influence environmental responsibility development? The main objective of this study to give the students an opportunity to participate in outdoor experiences, learn about ecological principles, and develop an understanding of their relationship to and role within nature through this study.  The problem is that it was unknown whether or not students were learning (or sufficiently learning) on the field trips currently undertaken. Specifically, the changes in environmental awareness among the ninth-grade participants (N= 40) in the Hiriya Visitors Center, the landmark of garbage in Israel, taking an excursion to said center, have been examined. The main result was a greater knowledge of students about environmental concepts and awareness of the local environment with significant improvements. It was also found one year after the excursion that the students recalled what they had seen and heard and had developed a perceived pro-environmental attitude towards the environment and became agents of change towards the environment compared to a control group (N = 30 students) who had not disclosed any environmental responsibility in additive environmental activities.


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How to Cite

Hamdan, F., Lara S´ánchez, A., & Arufe Giráldez, V. (2024). A Long-term environmental awareness and attitudes among Israeli Junior High school students in Hiriya Ecological Center. EDUCA. International Journal for Educational Quality, 4(2), 239–258. https://doi.org/10.55040/educa.v4i2.101



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