Augmented Reality (AR): a new dimension for University Music Education




augmented reality, music education, educational innovation, educational technologies, higher education


Technology has profoundly transformed the university educational landscape in the last decade by developing tools and resources that enrich teaching-learning. Among them, augmented reality (AR) stands out as an emerging technology that combines virtual elements with the physical environment, creating interactive and enriched experiences. This study, framed within an action-research framework, explores the applicability of AR in university music education, specifically in the subject of Music Education in the Primary Education Degree. Practical sessions were developed where students interacted with jazz music content through AR, evaluating the educational experience through pre- and post-intervention questionnaires. In the sessions, students used their mobile devices to access three-dimensional designs related to jazz music. The data obtained from the first questionnaire reveal limited and confused knowledge about AR among the participants, while the post-test shows a significant improvement in the understanding and appreciation of musical content after the intervention. The results indicate that AR facilitates the understanding and assimilation of musical content, as well as increasing students' interest and participation. At the same time, AR proves to be an effective tool for capturing students' attention and making learning more dynamic and engaging. The implementation of this technology in university music education has great potential to innovate pedagogical practices and improve the quality of learning.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez López, R. Ángel. (2024). Augmented Reality (AR): a new dimension for University Music Education. EDUCA. International Journal for Educational Quality, 4(2), 217–238.



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