Ethical aspects and good practices
Ethical aspects and good practices editors, reviewers and authors
EDUCA follows the standards and codes of the EDUCA platform's Ethics Committee based on international regulations (Code of Conduct and the Best Practices Guidelines for Journals Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE).
The EDUCA journal uses Crossref's Similarity Check plagiarism detection program. If the editor observes a plagiarism percentage greater than 20% or an excessive percentage of self-citations without being automatically justified, the article will be returned to the author without processing its peer review. All articles will be examined through plagiarism detection software at two moments of the editorial process. The first of them before going to peer review and after being examined in the first instance by the editor. And the second before being published. If the editor detects a percentage greater than 20%, it will be returned to the authors along with the plagiarism report.
In order to guarantee the quality of the manuscripts and especially the research and publication process, EDUCA is governed by the following ethical aspects and good practices that will be mandatory for editors, authors and reviewers:
Good Editors Practices
EDUCA journal will publicly report any fees or charges required for manuscript processing and it will be clearly indicated in one place before the authors begin preparing their manuscript for submission.
The editorial team will take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of articles where research misconduct has occurred.
In no event will staff attached to the journal encourage such misconduct, or willfully allow such misconduct to occur. In the event that the journal's editorial team becomes aware of any allegations of research misconduct, the editors will address the allegations appropriately.
The journal has guidelines for retracting or correcting articles when necessary.
Editors should always be willing to post corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary.
The editors undertake to make a decision on a manuscript in a time not exceeding 3 months from the upload to the platform. The decision may be accepted, accepted with minor changes, accepted with major changes or rejected.
The editors undertake to send the authors of a manuscript the evaluation report of the peer review, whether it is accepted or rejected.
The editors ensure the quality and speed of the editorial process, committing themselves not to delay the revision of the manuscripts or their publication. Being aware of the importance of publishing the results of an investigation quickly.
Good Reviewer Practices
The reviewers are obliged to participate in the peer review process and to maintain the confidentiality of the data published in the article until the review and acceptance process is completed, if applicable.
The reviewers may not use the content of the reviewed articles for their personal purposes.
Reviewers should use constructive criticism that encourages authors to make as many changes as necessary to their article to improve its quality. The use of incorrect language by the reviewers will be penalized for the authors, and may be expelled from the Scientific Committee or external reviewers.
All the reviewers will have to prove the title of doctor to be part of the panel of external reviewers or Scientific Committee of the journal.
The reviewers undertake to notify the editor of the journal of any type of conflict of interest that may be detected with a manuscript received.
Good practices authors
Authors are required to participate in the peer review process once their manuscript has been submitted voluntarily by the platform.
All the authors who sign an article must have contributed significantly to the research.
All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of errors.
All authors should only include the references used in their manuscripts and reflect the entities that financially supported the research.
All authors must be informed of the submission of their work to the journal, in the event that an author is not aware of this fact, the author who uploaded the manuscript to the platform without their consent will be penalized.
It is totally forbidden to publish the same research in more than one journal and it is not advisable to submit the same article for review by several journals, considered as a bad practice.
All papers submitted to EDUCA that involve studies with human beings, either organs and / or tissues in isolation, must expressly respect the updated Standards of the Declaration of Helsinki and present a Certificate of approval of the research protocol by an Ethics Committee. in the health field provided for in current legislation.
All works that address research in people, whether of a social or educational nature, must present a certificate from the Ethics Committee, you can request this certificate at the address
In the illustrative and text material, the student should not be indicated, so no names and / or initials should appear. A copy of the authorization of the student and / or legal guardian must be kept by the authors for its publication (informed consent), especially in those cases where they work with minors.
Those studies of an experimental nature in living beings must have the authorization of the Bioethics Committee of the institution where the research was carried out.
Good editorial practices on gender equality
EDUCA follows an editorial policy that includes specific recommendations in favor of the use of inclusive language in scientific articles. Authors must use terms that refer to both sexes, some examples are: students, teachers, infancy, childhood, people, human beings, teachers, research personnel, etc. Authors must always include the two surnames of all personnel who participated in the research.