Physical-sports activity in compulsory secondary education: gender differences in the abandonment of regular physical activity


  • Martín Barcala-Furelos University of European Atlantic
  • Lorenzo Cendoya Ochoa University of European Atlantic
  • Andrés Pascual Torre University of European Atlantic
  • Oliver Ramos Álvarez University of Cantabria



Abandonment, physical-sports activity, gender, adolescents, motives


The aim of this study was to determine the difference between sexes in the dropout rate of physical-sporting activity among ESO students in a school in Cantabria. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out with a convenience sample of 98 ESO students, 57 boys (58.2%) and 41 girls (41.8%) aged between 12 and 17 years, distributed among 22 students in the first year (22.5%), 30 students in the second year (30.6%), 26 students in the third year (26.5%) and 20 students in the fourth year (20.4%). An ad-hoc survey was carried out which included variables related to the practice of physical-sports activity and reasons for dropping out. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed and the chi-square test was applied. The results showed that 44.9% of the subjects habitually practiced physical-sports activity; however, 55.1% of the respondents reported that they did not practice any type of activity. On the other hand, 65.9% of the female sample did not habitually practice any type of physical-sports activity. As for the male sample, 47.4% reported that they did not engage in any physical-sports activity. With respect to differentiation between sexes P=0.070, no significant differences were found (P>0.05), but a higher tendency was found in girls. Among the main reasons for adolescents abandoning physical-sports activities were 29.6% for doing another activity in their free time, followed by the fact that they did not have time for their studies 27.8% and laziness 24.1%. It is concluded with this research that the percentage of abandonment of physical-sports activity among students is high. This high dropout rate occurs in all the courses studied and with a higher incidence among women. Among the main reasons for dropping out of school are due to the preference for other activities, lack of time for studies and laziness.


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How to Cite

Barcala-Furelos, M., Cendoya Ochoa, L., Pascual Torre, A., & Ramos Álvarez, O. (2024). Physical-sports activity in compulsory secondary education: gender differences in the abandonment of regular physical activity. EDUCA. International Journal for Educational Quality, 4(2), 329–342.



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