Phototrapping in the classroom, an environmental experience
science communication, environmental education, local fauna, phototrapping, scientific methodAbstract
The increasingly urban lifestyle of our society is leading to a clear separation of the youngest from nature. Faced with this situation, various environmental education programmes are being developed in schools with the aim of teaching students pro-environmental skills. Some common examples are the creation of organic gardens, the construction of nesting boxes or field trips to the countryside. However, as described in the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030), there are still many challenges in the face of the clear climate crisis and the current loss of biodiversity. Phototrapping is a scientific resource that is not commonly explored in Spanish schools, despite its enormous potential. This motion photography technique is often used in biological projects to determine the fauna of a given area without affecting the environment. This article presents the possibility of installing phototrapping cameras in a personalised way in schools and other related environments (urban, rural or natural). To this end, the audiovisual results of these cameras in the different environments were shown to the pupils during a scientific dissemination day in a primary school. Through a variety of games and activities, the pupils' interest in the local fauna and other environmental values (caring for the planet, relinquishing pets, recycling, etc.) was noted. Professionals are therefore encouraged to use this technique in schools and to share their experience.
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