League of Legends: player performance through physical and psychological capabilities


  • Oliver Ramos Álvarez University of Cantabria
  • David Rivero Gómez University of European Atlantic
  • Martín Barcala-Furelos University of European Atlantic https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0834-1320




physical fitness, eSports, reflexes, hand-eye coordination, MOBA


The objective of this study was to determine the main physical and psychological capabilities that determine the performance of players of the video game known as League of Legends. To accomplish this, an “ad hoc” questionnaire designed with the collaboration of professionals in the most theoretical terms of the video game dedicated to team coaching was used. The sample consisted of 15 players (4±3 years of experience), of which 2 play in the role of ADC, 5 as jungler, 5 as mid, 2 as top and one as support; divided into different ELO from the Platinum division (7) to Master (2), passing through the Diamond division (6). The results obtained showed that the abilities that determine performance are, above all, psychological endurance, reflexes, hand-eye coordination, decision making and the ability to perceive stimuli. Likewise, but to a lesser extent, the results show the influence of physical endurance, flexibility, balance and translation speed. Taking into account these results, it has been possible to determine that physical condition influences the performance of League of Legends players. In addition, it is worth mentioning the possible translation of these results to other eSports that would be interesting to study.


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How to Cite

League of Legends: player performance through physical and psychological capabilities. (2024). EDUCA. International Journal for Educational Quality, 4(2), 273-287. https://doi.org/10.55040/educa.v4i2.119

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