Exploratory analysis of the academic and social well-being perceived by Primary Education students


  • María Pérez Sánchez University of A Coruña




Social well-being, Academic well-being, Primary Education, Educational level, Gender


The study of school well-being is an ambit of research that has not been very studied to date. It is influenced by different variables, especially academic and social variables, although the vast majority of analyses carried out do not provide a clear vision in these terms. The aim of this report responds to the need to know about the wellbeing perceived by Primary School pupils for a correct educational practice, based on the favourable state of the pupils from a satisfaction perspective. A total sample of 254 students from the 2nd, 4th and 6th years of the stage was taken, to whom a survey was applied, created with the aim of extracting information relating to social and academic well-being. It is based on the SENA instrument. The results obtained allow us to identify the tendency of feelings at a general level, showing a high degree of dissatisfaction at a social level and a high concern for the academic sphere, to analyse their progress through the stage, with an increase in interest in performance but a decrease in social satisfaction, and to establish a differentiation by gender of the variables studied, for which girls stand out positively in both areas.


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Original papers

How to Cite

Exploratory analysis of the academic and social well-being perceived by Primary Education students. (2022). EDUCA. International Journal for Educational Quality, 3(1), 26-41. https://doi.org/10.55040/educa.v3i1.54

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