Design and validation of an diagnostic instrument for inclution in educative institutions




Inclusive education, validation, instrument, design, validity, reliability


Inclusive education has set attention to people with differences as a quality standard. Every person is different in one of the following dimensions: cognitive, psychological, physicalmotor, or sociocultural. Current international practice urges educational institutions to consider the following principles of inclusion in their operations: (a) everyone has access to every place (regardless of their differences), (b) collaborative attitude when working with people with differences, (c) early intervention to obtain better results, (d) training for intervention with people with differences, and (e) adaptation of contents, equipment, and infrastructure for the care of people with differences. The diagnosis of the inclusion guidelines is one of the strategies that allow the institution, the educational staff, and the families to identify strengths and areas of possible growth toward the ideal level of inclusion. This work presents the design and technical characteristics of an instrument that helps institutions in said diagnosis. For the design and validation of the instrument, several stages were followed, from the theoretical foundation, through the elaboration of the reagents, its content validity through 10 experts, its construct validity with an Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The result is a model of Educational Inclusion with four scope composed of 21 reagents, which explains 73.3% of the variance. This factorial structure showed a proper adjustment, with adequate reliability, convergent validity and discriminant validity.


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How to Cite

Design and validation of an diagnostic instrument for inclution in educative institutions. (2023). EDUCA. International Journal for Educational Quality, 3(2), 146-167.

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